Lighting of production expedition - Liapor

Completed installation of lighting for the expedition at the Liapor site. We installed the last luminaires and tested everything. From now on it will be easier for truck drivers to load at late hours and employees have better conditions to work in.

We offer complete solutions for multimedia and audiovisual projects, LED displays for sports and advertising, public and outdoor LED lighting.
Check out our reference brochure.
HDT impex, s.r.o.
Botanická 3
362 63 Karlovy Vary - Dalovice
Czech republic

Mo - Fr: 8:00-17:00
+420 353 222 267

HDT SK, s.r.o.
Borekova 37
821 06 Bratislava

Mo - Fr: 8:00-17:00
+421 245 640 387