Sportsareana in Sandefjord (Norway)

The installation at Sportsareana in Sandefjord, Norway, is primarily used for top-level handball matches, but also as a multi-sport arena for adults and youth. The solution is therefore used by several different user groups.

The templates in the system are adapted to the national regulations of the Norwegian Handball Federation, but can also be used for other lower level sports matches, for use in schools and local sports clubs.

The 3 x 5 meter (P4.8 mm) LED screen was supplied by our Norwegian partner Media System AS and configured for several settings - the ability to display scoreboard information at the top of the screen with 16:9 video/camera production for the rest, the ability to display the scoreboard at the bottom and 16:9 camera production above, the ability to display match information full screen (see image). All of the suggested options can be easily changed before each match.

In addition to handball, the system is used to clear indoor football matches.

We offer complete solutions for multimedia and audiovisual projects, LED displays for sports and advertising, public and outdoor LED lighting.
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Czech republic

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